Champaign IL Heart Ball

the event

 A Celebration of creating and sharing. Our evening celebrates: our work and mission; our donors and volunteers; and — most importantly — the lives saved and improved because of everyone’s effort. The Heart Ball promises to be an engaging evening of fun and passion bringing community and philanthropic leaders together. Last year, our Heart Ball campaign raised just over $51 million nation-wide allowing us to fund over $123 millon in research and educational programs impacting people across the country and in our community.

 5:30 - 7:00 pm Registration, Social Reception, Photos by Staske Photography
and Live Entertainment provided by Red 7
7:00 pm Seating in Ballroom
7:15 pm Program begins with Invocation
7:25 pm Dinner served
8:05 pm Program during last course of dinner
8:25 pm Presentation of Clint Atkins Tribute Video
8:35 pm Open Your Heart Appeal
8:45 pm Live Auction featuring Mike Namoff as Auctioneer
9:00 pm Closing Program Remarks
9:30 - 10:30 pm Social Reception, Dancing, Checkout and Live Entertainment provided by Red 7




