Better U Challengers

Get your Luncheon ticket today to hear abou the incredible journey these women have endured. In just 12 weeks, these women have begun to make lifestyle changes and improved their overall health! Our participants range from 19 to 55 years old.
Sheree Denham, 55, lives in Champaign, works at State Farm, wants to manage cholesterol and lose weight. She’s a single mom with a 15 yr old son and wants to get better educated about how to lead a healthy lifestyle. She’s got her goals lined up and plans to compete in a 5k next year.
Kathy Sansone, 49, lives in Rantoul, works at Christie - with heart disease in her family and wants to lose weight and get healthier.
Stephanie Record, 41, lives in Champaign, works at Crisis Nursery - wants to get healthier and lose weight. She’s in the public eye and is very self-conscious of her appearance and image as it portrays to U of I cheerleaders. She’s the coach!
Lori Wichus, 38, lives in Monticello – has several pt jobs and desperately wants help quitting smoking and getting healthier. She sees this opportunity as a way to become educated and change her life with no financial obligation. She thinks that being healthy is out of her reach.
Tanna Suits, 27, lives in Rantoul, works at Farm Credit Services, wants to get her body back from the birth of her twin two year old boys and get control of her family history of high bp and heart disease.
Debriana Gibony, 19, lives in Champaign – wants to reduce stress, lose weight and get a handle on her family history of high bp and heart disease.